Excellence in the Sanskrit to English Translation

Excellence in the Sanskrit to English TranslationThe Sanskrit language lends itself to choice of words that can create an interplay between sounds and meaning. Every language has unique cultural references and conventions built into it. Sanskrit has long tradition of associated cultures that evolved from the ancient Vedic right up to the late medieval.A translation has a certain readership in mind that belongs to a certain cultural milieu. This readership by all means has different expectations out of literature. Yet this readership may…

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A Brief Note about Rasa Theory

A brief Note about Rasa TheoryRasa Theory is about the qualitative shades and textures of emotions aroused in the personalities appearing in a work of art or literature as also the emotions that are aroused in the viewers or readers of such works. The nuances of such arousal of emotions as also the bodily and behavioural symptoms of such ecstatic states are the subject matter of Rasa Theory.Classical Rasa Theory of critical appreciation of art and literature recognizes eight moods of a woman…