Visions of Krishna

Krishna Paintings Artist Mumbiram's Vision of Krishna in four Watercolour WorksThere are many visions and idols of Krishna. Most depictions show him excessively laden with jewellery. In Mumbiram's visions one sees Krishna’s laavanya which emphasises the beauty of a person without any ornaments. Such is very dear to Krishna's associates in Vraja Vrindavan cherishing this nectarean vision of Krishna who went after the cows with the cowherd boys and came home in the evening with a dust-covered face that the gopis found exquisitely…

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Neemtree under Moon


Treelogies Trees and Flowering Plants of Kokan in their God-Given Dignity and Beauty - A Series of 12 Watercolor Paintings by Artist Mumbiram “Treelogies” shows the Personalities of famous treesand flowering plants of India in Kokan.  "Trees not only give us fresh air to breath, they offer us intimate kinship and communion as noble and handsome friends and philosophers.  They continually inspire us to see the dignity of all living entities. They keep our sense of wonder alive. They bring us closer to God." Mumbiram Neemtree under Moon…